Thursday, September 16, 2010

Revolutionary Love is More Than a Catch Phrase

FINAL UPDATE (10/29/10):

Book sale is moving to CripChick's blog and will feature over 100 books!!! Please check out her site next week (early November) for the full list and sale. Remember, every purchase supports revolutionary love and disability community building.

*** No further sales are taking place from this site.
Please visit CripChick's blog.***

Many thanks for your support!


IMPORTANT UPDATE: This sale is in the process of MOVING locations. Please come back for updated info on where to go and how to continue supporting Stacey & Mia. More books will also be added with the move, so it's quite exciting! (Aaminah 10/27/10)


Because Thaura Distro values radical, revolutionary love and we believe that revolutionary love requires action, we announce a fundraiser in support of Stacey "CripChick" and Mia Mingus. Stacey and Mia, two of our favorite compañeras, are making a massive journey. Both literally and figuratively they will be merging homes. You can read about their plans HERE, and find out about another wonderful fundraiser another friend has also put together an art sale HERE.

We have decided to put together our own fundraiser to support Stacey & Mia.

(Of course, if you aren't interested in any of the books offered but still would like to donate, simply follow the donation instructions below and we will still send you a special gift.)

Books are available for a donation. Minimum donation per book is $1, but of course more is appreciated! Thaura Distro will take care of the postage, so you don't need to factor that into price and can be assured that 100% of your donation will go straight to Stacey & Mia. We will also send you a small gift to express our gratitude for your support.

To donate by purchasing books:

  1. Look thru the list below and decide what book(s) you want.
  2. Determine how much you are willing to donate (remember, minimum donation is $1 per book, but you are encouraged to donate more if you are able.)
  3. Leave a comment here specifying which books you want reserved for you so that others can see those books are spoken for pending updates to this post.
  4. Send an email to telling us, again, which books - and which seller's list they are from - you want and the address to send them to.
  5. Send your donation via PayPal to (if you are unable to use PayPal to make your donation, please make arrangements for another form of payment when emailing us at

Books will be mailed out after your donation is received.

Here's the list of available books: Please note that books may be added to the list as more become available.

In America, by Susan Sontag (2000, fiction, paperback, used, 387 pgs)

And Don’t Call Me a Racist!: A treasury of quotes on the past, present & future of the color line in America, selected & arranged by Ella Mazel (1998, anthology, paperback, used, 147 pgs) - TAKEN

A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare 1599, by James Shapiro (2005, non-fiction/biography, paperback, brand new, 376 pgs)

Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad (1990 Dover Thrift Edition, fiction, paperback, brand new, 72 pgs)

Is Bill Cosby Right? Or has the Black Middle Class Lost its Mind?, by Michael Eric Dyson (2005, non-fiction/African-American studies/Current Affairs, paperback, used, 242 pgs) - TAKEN

Letters to a Young Brother, by Hill Harper (2006, non-fiction/self-improvement/African-American studies, paperback, used, 173 pgs) - TAKEN

The Coffee Trader, by David Liss (2003, fiction, paperback, used, 386 pgs plus reader’s guide)

Don’t Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart, the story of Elvia Alvarado translated & edited by Medea Benjamin (1987, non-fiction/biography/Latin American & Women’s Studies, paperback, used, 146 pgs plus appendices) - TAKEN

Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, by Anthony Bourdain (2007 updated edition, non-fiction/autobiography, paperback, used, 312 pgs plus 22 pgs of additional interviews etc.) - TAKEN

Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women & the Rise of Raunch Culture, by Ariel Levy (2005, non-fiction/social science, paperback, used, 212 pgs) - TAKEN

Pieces of the Heart: New Chicano Fiction, edited by Gary Soto (1993, fiction/anthology, paperback, used but like new, 171 pgs) - TAKEN

Cabato Sentora: Poems, by Ray Gonzalez (1999, poetry, paperback, used, 124 pgs)

We Don’t Need Another Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists, edited by Melody Berger (2006, non-fiction/anthology, paperback, used with some minor water damage on bottom edge, 319 pgs) - TAKEN

Great Irish Tales of Horror: A Treasury of Fear, edited by Peter Haining (1995, fiction/folklore, hardcover, used but like new, 301 pgs)

A Fortune Teller Told Me: Earthbound Travels in the Far East, by Tiziano Terzani (1997, travel/bio, hardcover, used but like new, 367 pgs)

Red Earth & Pouring Rain, by Vikram Chandra (1995, fiction, hardcover, used/discarded library book in good condition, 542 pgs) - TAKEN

The Sober Kitchen: Recipes & Advice for a Lifetime of Sobriety, by Liz Scott (2003, non-fiction/cookbook, paperback, used, 448 pgs)

Womanpower: The Arab Debate on Women at Work, by Nadia Hijab (1988, non-fiction/women’s studies, paperback, new, 165 pgs) - TAKEN

Arabic in Three Months (1999, non-fiction/language learning, paperback, used, 220 pgs plus mini dictionary) - TAKEN

The Bad Detective, by H.R.F. Keating (1996, fiction, hardcover, used/discarded library book, 279 pgs)

The Book Shop, by Penelope Fitzgerald (1978, fiction, paperback, used, 123 pgs)

The Cellist of Sarajevo, by Steven Galloway (2008, fiction, paperback, used, 235 pgs)

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by Dave Eggers (2000, non-fiction/biography/uncategorical bullshit, paperback, used, 437 pgs plus “Mistakes We Knew Were Making”

Additional Books added to the sale

available from CripChick:

*NEW* 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-Shirt into Something Special
[Spiral-Bound] by Faith Blakeney

Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary by Jasmine Guy - TAKEN

*NEW* Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People by Helen
Zia (brand new copy)

*NEW* Catcher and the Rye by JD salinger (brand new copy)

*NEW* Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo

Charlie Chan Is Dead 2: At Home in the World (An Anthology of

Contemporary Asian American Fiction) by Jessica Hagedorn and Elaine

*NEW* Deaf Culture Our Way: Anecdotes from the Deaf Community by Holcomb

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez - TAKEN

*NEW* How People Get Power by Si Kahn

*NEW* Hum Bows, Not Hot Dogs by Bob Santos

*NEW* Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously by Julie Powell
(hardcover, brand new copy)

Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty
by Dorothy Roberts - TAKEN

*NEW* Kindred by Octavia Butler

*NEW* Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History by Bruce Cumings

*NEW* My Face Is Black Is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave
Reparations (hardcover)

*NEW* Native Speaker by Chang Rae Lee

*NEW* Nine Stories by JD Salinger (brand new copy)

No Fire Next Time: Black-Korean Conflicts and the Future of America's

Cities by Patrick D. Joyce (brand new copy) - TAKEN

Our Dead Behind Us: Poems by Audre Lorde - TAKEN

Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler (old copy) - TAKEN

Peel My Love Like an Onion: A Novel by Ana Castillo (hard copy) - TAKEN

*NEW* Red Letter Christians: A Citizen's Guide to Faith and Politics by Tony Campolo

Stolen Sharpie Revolution: A DIY Zine Resource
by Alex Wrekk - TAKEN

*NEW* Sula by Toni Morrison (old copy)

*NEW* The American Dream: Speeches by Barack Obama (brand new copy)

*NEW* Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

The Last Generation: Prose and Poetry by Cherrie Moraga - TAKEN

*NEW* The Pigman by Paul Zindel (old copy)

The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael CHABON (brand new copy) - TAKEN

by Alan Moore (brand new copy) - TAKEN

*NEW* What I Know for Sure: My Story of Growing Up in America by Tavis
Smiley (hardcover, brand new copy)

What Is the What by Dave Eggers (brand new copy) - TAKEN

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde - TAKEN

a testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of MLK - TAKEN

yellow: race in american beyond black and white - TAKEN

war against the weak: eugenics and america's campaign to create a master race (hard copy) - TAKEN

selling out: the gay and lesbian movement goes to market (hard copy) - TAKEN

available from our dear friend & fellow zinester China Martens:

The Chelsea Whistle, by Michelle Tea (2002, memoir, paperback, good condition, 331 pgs)

The Complete Book of Chakra Healing, by Cyndi Dale (second edition, first printing 2009, healing, paperback, used but like new, 430 pgs)

The Ogre, by Michel Tournier (first published in 1970, John Hopkins Paperback Edition 1997, fiction, paperback, bought from used bookstore for $4 dollars, previous owner signed their name/date/city in tiny light pencil cursive which is endearing, 370 pgs)

Cassandra, by Christa Woolf (1984, fiction, paperback, used in worn condition, 305 pgs)

Sex with the Lights On, by Ducky DooLittle (2006, nonfiction, paperback, good condition, 282 pgs) - TAKEN

Prodigal Summer, by Barbara Kingsolver (2000, fiction, hardcover, good to great condition, 444 pgs) - TAKEN

Zine Yearbook 9 (2007 anthology includes Tenacious #11 & #12, Resistance of Dreams #1, Urban Adventure League, The Book Bindery, Southern Fried #9, Zinester's Guide to US Mail, Resist #46, East Village Inky #33, and many more; paperback, very good condition, 240 pages) - TAKEN

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez (1991, paperback, used but good, 290 pages)

available from LaBianca: (LaBianca says all of these books are like new unless otherwise noted)

Great Sky Woman by Steven Barnes (Hardcover) - TAKEN

Nerve The First Ten Years ( - TAKEN

Brothels, Depravity, and Abandoned Women: Illegal Sex in Antebellum New Orleans by Judith Kelleher Schafer - TAKEN

The Kingdom Of This World by Alejo Carpentier (used: heavily highlighted w/pencil)

B is for Beauty by Alberto Ferreras

100 Questions You'd Never Ask Your Parents Vol 1 by Elisabeth Henderson and Nancy Armstrong - TAKEN

Border-line Personalities: A New Generation of Latinas Dish on Sex, Sass and Cultural Shifting by Michelle Herrera Mulligan and Robyn Moreno - TAKEN

Work, Family and Health: Latina Women In Transition by Ruth Zambrana

Pleasures: Women Write Erotica by Lonnie Garfield Barbach

Playing With Boys (hardcover) by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

Loteria and Other Stories by Ruben Mendoza - TAKEN


  1. this is SOOOOO sweet. thanks yall :D

    i went through my bookshelf and here are books i can put fwd too --

    a testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of MLK
    yellow: race in american beyond black and white
    the iron cage: the story of palestinian struggle for statehood (hardcopy)
    war against the weak: eugenics and america's campaign to create a master race (hard copy)
    selling out: the gay and lesbian movement goes to market (hard copy)


  2. yo, CripChick, take The Iron Cage off that list! i'll buy that one from you. :)

  3. selling out: the gay and lesbian movement goes to market (hard copy)

    Red Earth & Pouring Rain, by Vikram Chandra (1995, fiction, hardcover, used/discarded library book in good condition, 542 pgs)

    I'm willing to pledge $10 to the cause for these!

  4. Sent 25 dollars via paypal, would like

    Kitchen Confidential


    Is Bill Cosby Right? Or has the Black Middle Class Lost its Mind?

    Good luck!

  5. I can spare ten bucks! I'd like:

    Don’t Be Afraid Gringo

    Pieces of the Heart: New Chicano Fiction

    Prodigal Summer

    a testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of MLK

  6. I'm willing to give 5 dollars:

    We Don’t Need Another Wave: Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists, edited by Melody Berger (2006, non-fiction/anthology, paperback, used with some minor water damage on bottom edge, 319 pgs)

  7. Looks like I need to find some more money...

  8. Hello! I just sent $5 via paypal. May I please reserve Yellow: Beyond Black and White in America?

    Thanks and good luck!

  9. I'll take:

    -Letters to a Young Brother

    -Female Chauvanist Pigs

    -Charlie Chan is Dead 2

    -No Fire Next Time

    -What is the What.

  10. Nerve 1st ten years. Is $5 too low?

  11. I'll happily take: from cripchick -- How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, and Watchmen

    from LaBlanca: Brothels, Depravity, and Abandoned Women, and Border-Line Personalities

    Thanks so much -- email and paypal on the way.

    So happy for Stacey and Mia! And I am in the Bay Area -- though not close enough to be super useful, close enough to be moral support and to visit.

  12. From the first list-
    Womanpower: the Arab debate on women at work
    Arabic in Three Months
    From CripChick's list-
    The Yiddish Policemen's Union

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